STROKE LENGTH/LOCK-OFF SWITCHYour tool is equipped with a dual stroke-length / lock-off switch located on the top ofthe saw. This lever is designed for choosingthe stroke length and for locking the trigger inthe "OFF" position to help prevent accidentalstarts and accidental battery discharge. Thetool should be at a complete stop beforechanging stroke lengths. For the 3/4" (19 mm)stroke, move the switch to the far left. For the1-1/4" (32 mm) stroke, move the switch to thefar right. To activate the trigger lock, move theswitch to the center position (Fig 2).The 1-1/4" (32 mm) stroke is useful for fast,aggressive cutting, especially in wood.The 3/4" (19 mm) stroke offers a widevariety of benefits:• Reduced vibration of workpiece whencutting thin or fragile workpiece materials,such as sheet metal, thin plywood, orplaster-and-lath walls.• Reduced depth-of-cut and blade projectionbeyond the far edge of the workpiece, suchas when cutting into a wall or when cuttinga pipe that runs along a wall.• Easier pocket/plunge cutting.• Precise starts of cuts.• Increased pulling power (like a drill hasmore torque in low gear).*• Less heat from lower blade travel speed,thus longer blade life.**These characteristics are especiallybeneficial when cutting metal.BRAKEWhen the trigger switch is released itactivates the brake to stop the saw quickly.This is especially useful when makingrepetitive cuts.VARIABLE SPEED CONTROLLEDTRIGGER SWITCHYour tool is equipped with a variable speedcontrolled trigger switch. The tool can beturned "ON" or "OFF" by squeezing orreleasing the trigger. The blade plungerstroke rate can be adjusted from theminimum to maximum nameplate stroke rateby the pressure you apply to the trigger.Apply more pressure to increase the speedand release pressure to decrease speed.Higher speed settings are generally used forfast cutting or when softer cutting materialssuch as wood, composite materials, andplastics. Slower speed settings are generallyused when precision is required or whencutting harder materials. Materials typicallycut using slower speeds include sheet metal,conduit, and pipe.-7-Operating InstructionsPreparing the SawFIG. 2BLADE SELECTIONNo one blade can be efficient on all cuttingjobs. Different materials require speciallydesigned blades. Since your reciprocatingsaw can cut so many materials, many typesof BOSCH blades are available. Be sure touse the proper blade to insure proper cuttingperformance.BM 2610917685 9-02 9/23/02 11:35 AM Page 7