8INSTALLINg AND REMOvINg THE BATTERY PACKWARNINg: Make certain the lock-off button is engaged to prevent switch actuation beforeremoving or installing battery.TO INSTALL BATTERY PACK:Insert battery pack (2) firmly into trimmer until an audible click is heard as shown in figure C. Ensurebattery pack is fully seated and fully latched into position.TO REMOvE BATTERY PACK: Depress the battery release button in the back of the battery pack andpull battery pack out of trimmer .ASSEMBLY AND ADJUSTMENTINSTALLINg THE gUARDWARNINg: REMOVE THE BATTERY BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO ATTACH THE GUARD,EDGE GUIDE OR HANDLE. NEVER OPERATE TRIMMER WITHOUT GUARD FIRMLY INPLACE. THE gUARD MUST ALWAYS BE ON THE TRIMMER TO PROTECT THE USER.• Turn the trimmer upside down so that you are looking down at the spool cap (8).• Remove the screw from the guard with a phillips screwdriver.• Turn the guard (7) upside down and slide it fully onto the motor housing (5). Make sure thetabs (10) on the guard engage the ribs (11) on the motor housing as shown in figure D. Thelocking tab (24) should have snapped into the housing slot (25).• Continue to slide the guard on until you hear it “snap” into place.• Using a phillips screwdriver, insert the guard screw as shown in figure E to complete theguard assembly.• Once the guard is installed, remove the covering from the line cut-off blade, located on theedge of the guard.ATTACHINg THE AUxILIARY HANDLE• To attach the handle (3), press in on the buttons (12) on both sides of the upper housing asshown in figure F.• Position the handle as shown in figure g, matching up the grooved side of the handle withthe grooved button. Partially push the handle on so that it will hold the buttons in when yourelease them with your hand.• Push the handle completely onto the housing and position it slightly until it “snaps” into place(figure H).• To adjust the handle up or down, press in on the button (13) and raise or lower the handle.• The handle should be adjusted so that your front arm is straight when the trimmer is in theworking position.HEIgHT ADJUSTMENTCAUTION: Adjust the length of the trimmer to obtain proper working positions as shownin figure J.• The overall height of the trimmer can be adjusted by loosening the collar (4) and rotating itin the direction of the arrow shown in figure I.• Move the upper housing straight up or down. When the desired height is achieved, tightenthe collar by rotating it opposite of the direction shown in figure I.LI-ION Battery Packs and ChargersThis product can accept any of the batteries and chargers listed in the chart below.Batteries: LI-ION LBX20LBXR20LBXR2020LB2X4020Chargers: LI-ION LCS1620L2AFCBSTL2AFCDescription Cat. #