Operation and Features3-56 BASLER L304kcDraft3.11.6 Test Image Four (Fixed Red Gradient)Test image four is formed with a vertical red gradient that ranges from 0 to 255 and repeats every256 pixels as shown in Figure 3-33. The first pixel in each line has a red value of 0, a green valueof 0 and a blue value of 0. The second pixel has a red value of 1, a green value of 0 and a bluevalue of 0. The third pixel has a red value of 2, a green value of 0 and a blue value of 0. And so on.Test image four is useful for checking to see if your frame grabber is configured correctly. Forinstance, if you have test image four enabled and you see that the red values in your capturedlines are all 0 and that the green values or the blue values are increasing in the gradient, youshould suspect a frame grabber misconfiguration.Figure 3-33: Test Image Four3.11.7 Test Image Five (Fixed Green Gradient)Test image five is formed with a vertical green gradient that ranges from 0 to 255 and repeatsevery 256 pixels as shown in Figure 3-34. The first pixel in each line has a red value of 0, a greenvalue of 0 and a blue value of 0. The second pixel has a red value of 0, a green value of 1 and ablue value of 0. The third pixel has a red value of 0, a green value of 2 and a blue value of 0. Andso on.Test image five is useful for checking to see if your frame grabber is configured correctly. Forinstance, if you have test image five enabled and you see that the green values in your capturedlines are all 0 and that the red values or the blue values are increasing in the gradient, you shouldsuspect a frame grabber misconfiguration.Figure 3-34: Test Image FiveL The description of the pixel values in test image four is only valid when the camerais set for 8 bit output. If the camera is set for 10 bit output, the gradients range from0 to 1023 and repeat every 1024 pixelsL The description of the pixel values in test image five is only valid when the camerais set for 8 bit output. If the camera is set for 10 bit output, the gradients range from0 to 1023 and repeat every 1024 pixels