Operation and FeaturesBASLER L304kc 3-21Draft3.5.6 System Design CalculationsAssuming that the camera operating requirements listed in Section 3.5.4 and the system designrequirements listed in Section 3.5.5 are met, the formulas below can be used to calculate the basicdesign criteria for your system.Magnificationwhere: β = magnificationn = number of line captures needed to move the image from sensor lineto sensor line (see Table 3-3)∆y = distance the conveyor moves per line captureLine of Viewwhere: L = length of the line of view of each sensor lineAspect RatioThe aspect ratio of your captured images is determined by the value of “n” in the magnificationequation. The value can be set from 1 to 27. If the value is set to 9, the aspect ratio of the capturedimages will be 1 to 1. The aspect ratios for various values of “n” are listed in Table 3-3. The aspectratios in the table are width to height where width is in the direction of conveyor travel and heightis along the axis of the sensor lines.Once the magnification has been determined, you can select a lens with the appropriate focallength and determine the correct distance between the camera and the conveyor. A publicationcalled the Optics Recommendation Guide is available on the Basler web site(www.baslerweb.com/produkte/produkte_en_230.php). This publication provides generalguidance for selecting a lens. If you need more assistance with your lens selection, please contactBasler Technical Support.n Ratio n Ratio n Ratio n Ratio n Ratio n Ratio1 1/9 6 2/3 11 11/9 16 16/9 21 7/3 26 26/92 2/9 7 7/9 12 4/3 17 17/9 22 22/9 27 3/13 1/3 8 8/9 13 13/9 18 2/1 23 23/94 4/9 9 1/1 14 14/9 19 19/9 24 8/35 5/9 10 10/9 15 5/3 20 20/9 25 25/9Table 3-3: Aspect Ratios for Values of nβ 90 μmn ∆× y----------------=L 40.80 mm 1β---×=