1-12 BE1-67 General Information 9170900990 Rev HFigure 1-10. Typical Instantaneous Response TimePickup AccuracyThe setting of the relay is repeatable within ±2 percent.Dropout RatioThe dropout ratio is better than 92 percent of the established pickup level.Voltage Sensing InputsThe continuous rating of these inputs is 240 Vac.Voltage Sensing BurdenThe voltage sensing burden is greater than 25 kilo-ohm at 120 Vac per input.Directional UnitThe polarizing for the directional unit is derived by the phase relationship between the measured phasecurrent (A) and the sensed quadrature voltage (b-c). The directional element defines a region as shown inFigure 1-11 for which tripping will be allowed. The characteristic angle of the relay is defined as the anglebetween IZ and its ordinate, I. Note that IZ is normal to the characteristic boundary. Resolution of directionrequires less than 1 cycle.Figure 1-11. Characteristic Anglewww . ElectricalPartManuals . com