Manual 2100-592CPage 32 of 69All other orifice sizes shown are available as individual items. See Orifice table on Page 31 for part numbers and number required.TABLE 8ANatural Gas Orifice Tables for Models W42G, W48G and W60GFactory StandardInputGas Heat* ValueBTU/Cu. Ft.Up to 6,000' NoChanges Exceptfor BTU Content6,001' to 8,000'Requires Pressure SwitchChange and OrificeChange Based on BTUContent8,001' to 10,000'Requires Pressure SwitchChange and Orifice ChangeBased on BTU Content25000 BTUPer Burner700-749 2.90 2.80 2.70750-799 2.80 2.70 2.60800-849 2.70 2.60 2.50850-899 2.60 2.50 2.45900-949 2.50 2.45 (2.40)950-999 2.45 (2.40) 2.351000-1049** (2.40) 2.35 [2.30]1050-1100 [2.30] 2.25 2.20Pressure Switch Standard (.55) Order 8620-189 High Altitude Pressure Switch Kit (.42)(2.40) is the standard factory-installed orifice size [2.30] orifices are shipped with the unit for field-installedoptional 10% derateOptional10% FieldConverted DerateGas Heat* ValueBTU/Cu. Ft.Up to 6,000 Feet NoChanges Exceptfor BTU Content6,001' to 8,000'Requires Pressure SwitchChange and OrificeChange Based on BTUContent8,001' to 10,000 FeetRequires Pressure SwitchChange and Orifice ChangeBased on BTU Content22250 BTUPer Burner700-749 2.75 2.70 2.60750-799 2.70 2.60 2.50800-849 2.60 2.50850-899 2.50 2.45 (2.40)900-949 (2.40) 2.35 [2.30]950-999 2.35 [2.30] 2.251000-1049** [2.30] 2.25 2.201050-1100 2.25 2.25 2.20Pressure Switch Standard (.55) Order 8620-189 High Altitude Pressure Switch Kit (.42)[2.30] orifices are shipped with the unit for field-installed optional10% input rate(2.40) is the factory-installed orifice size for full ratedinputAt standard conditions: 30.00 inches Mercury, 60F, saturated, .60 specific gravity.All natural gas factory orifice sizing and standard input ratings based on nominal 1025 BTU/cu. ft. gas and sea level conditions***