Manual 2100-590APage 48 of 67"A"AIRFLOWMIS-172435. FAN BLADE SETTING DIMENSIONSShown in Figure 21 is the correct fan blade settingdimension for proper air delivery across the outdoorcoil.ledoMnoisnemiDAG42W 52.1G03W 52.1G63W 52.1G24W 57.1G84W 57.1G06W 57.1TABLE 18FAN BLADE DIMENSIONFIGURE 21FAN BLADE36. LOW-NOX BURNER ASSEMBLY “N”SUFFIX MODELS ONLY – U.S.INSTALLATIONS ONLYNATURAL GAS MODELS ONLYModel numbers designated with an “N” are designedfor low NOx emissions which comply with allCalifornia Air Quality Management District regulationsfor nitrogen oxide emission levels. Refer to Figure 22for NOx insert information.* * IMPORTANT * *For propane (LP) conversions the NOxreduction screen inserts shown below mustbe removed. This is accomplished byremoving the burner box assembly andremoving the NOx screens. Reassemble unitproperly before firing. Failure to remove theNOx screens can result in improper operationand malfunction of the burner system.FIGURE 22LOW NOX INSERTR-410A34. REFRIGERANT CHARGEThis unit was charged at the factory with the quantity ofrefrigerant listed on the serial plate. AHRI capacity andefficiency ratings were determined by testing with thisrefrigerant charge quantity.The following pressure tables show nominal pressuresfor the units. Since many installation specific situationscan affect the pressure readings, this information shouldonly be used by certified technicians as a guide forevaluating proper system performance. They shall notbe used to adjust charge. If charge is in doubt, reclaim,evacuate and recharge the unit to the serial plate charge.