R5911443 /02 UDM16Label image Label description Label locationHazard class 2: laser radiation warning symbol.0.95 mW - 638 nm.WARNING! DO NOT LOOK INTO THE BEAM NO DIRECT EYE EXPOSURETO THE PROJECTOR BEAM IS PERMITTED LASER RADIATION - DONOT STARE INTO LASER RANGING BEAM RG3 IEC EN 62471-5:2015CLASS 2 IEC EN 60825-1:2014 HAZARD DISTANCE: CONSULT SAFETYMANUALTHIS PRODUCT IS IN CONFORMITY WITH PERFORMANCESTANDARDS FOR LASER PRODUCTS UNDER 21 CFR 1040, EXCEPTWITH RESPECT TO THOSE CHARACTERISTICS AUTHORIZED BYVARIANCE NUMBER 2016-V-0144 EFFECTIVE ON DECEMBER 12, 2019.警告!勿觀看投影機光束 眼睛勿直接接觸可允許暴露的光束 鐳射輻射-勿直視鐳射範圍內光束 RG3 IEC EN 62471-5:2015 CLASS 2 IEC EN 60825-1:2014 危害距離:請參考安全手冊警告!勿观看投影机光束 眼睛勿直接接触可允许暴露的光束 激光辐射-勿直视激光范围内光束 RG3 IEC EN 62471-5:2015 CLASS 2 IEC EN 60825-1:2014 危害距离:请参考安全手册ATTENTION! NE PAS REGARDER LE FAISCEAU DU PROJECTEUREVITER TOUTE EXPOSITION DIRECTE DES YEUX AU FAISCEAU DUPROJECTEUR RAYONNEMENT LASER - NE PAS REGARDER DANS LEFAISCEAU DU TELEMETRE RG3 IEC EN 62471-5:2015 CLASS 2 IEC EN60825-1:2014 DISTANCE DE SECURITE: CONSULTER LE MANUEL DESECURITE1.4 High Brightness precautions: Hazard DistanceHDHazard Distance (HD) is the distance measured from the projection lens at which the intensity or theenergy per surface unit becomes lower than the applicable exposure limit on the cornea or on theskin. The light beam is considered (to be) unsafe for exposure if the distance from a person to thelight source is less than the HD.Restriction Zone (RZ) based on the HDThe HD depends on the amount of lumens produced by the projector and the type of lens installed. Seechapter “HD in function of modifying optics”, page 20.To protect untrained end users (as cinema visitors, spectators) the installation shall comply with the followinginstallation requirements: Operators shall control access to the beam within the hazard distance or install theproduct at the height that will prevent spectators' eyes from being in the hazard distance. Radiation levels inexcess of the limits will not be permitted at any point less than 2.0 meter (SH) above any surface upon whichpersons other than operators, performers, or employees are permitted to stand or less than 1.0 meter (SW)lateral separation from any place where such persons are permitted to be. In environments whereunrestrained behavior is reasonably foreseeable, the minimum separation height should be greater than orequal to 3.0 meter to prevent potential exposure, for example by an individual sitting on another individual'sshoulders, within the HD.These values are minimum values and are based on the guidance provided in IEC 62471-5:2015 section6.6.3.5.The installer and user must understand the risk and apply protective measures based upon the hazarddistance as indicated on the label and in the user information. Installation method, separation height, barriers,detection system or other applicable control measure shall prevent hazardous eye access to the radiationwithin the hazard distance.Safety information