3. Getting startedBarco – TransForm A - X Terminal – DOC-3265-2 – user's manual – Revision 09 – September-2006 _____________________________________________________ 3-34Order of graphic and input cardsThe graphic cards are numbered consecutively with ascending PCI slots. Each O MNI S CALER is numbered accordingto the graphic card it is connected to. The QUAD A NALOG VIDEO C ARDS , S TREAMING VIDEO C ARDS , QUAD SDI VIDEO C ARD andDUAL RGB INPUT C ARDS are numbered commonly with ascending PCI slots. The O MNI B US devices themselves aretaken into account in ascending order of their respective PCI slots in the P ROCESSOR or in a distributed system inthe order of the rendering machines.O MNI-S CALER9O MNI B US 3O MNI-SCALER16O MNI-SCALER17O MNI-S CALER18O MNI-SCALER19O MNI-SCALER20O MNI-SCALER10O MNI-SCALER11O MNI-SCALER12O MNI-S CALER13O MNI-SCALER14O MNI-SCALER15PROCESSORLinkInter-face3LinkInter-face1LinkInter-face2PCI 1 PCI 2 PCI 3 PCI 4PCI 13PCI 12PCI 11PCI 10PCI 9PCI 8PCI 7PCI 6PCI 5PCI 0 PCI 4 PCI 17PCI 3 PCI 16PCI 2 PCI 15PCI 1 PCI 14linkslotCPUboardInputCard 8Video21-24InputCard 9Video25-28InputCard10Video29-32InputCard 6Video15-16InputCard 7Video17-20InputCard 5Video13-14OMNI B US 1Graph.Card5Graph.Card6Graph.Card7Graph.Card8Graph.Card9Graph.Card10Graph.Card1Graph.Card2Graph.Card3Graph.Card4PCI 12PCI 11PCI 10PCI 9PCI 8PCI 7PCI 6PCI 5PCI 4PCI 3PCI 2PCI 1linkslotCPUboardPCI 12PCI 11PCI 10PCI 9PCI 8PCI 7PCI 6PCI 5PCI 4PCI 3PCI 2PCI 1OMNI-SCALER8linkslotOMNI B US 2O MNI -SCALER1OMNI-SCALER2OMNI-SCALER3OMNI -SCALER4O MNI -SCALER5OMNI-SCALER6O MNI -SCALER7CPUboardInputCard 4Video11-12InputCard 3Video9-10InputCard 2Video5-8InputCard 1Video1-4Figure 3-44Example for the numbering in a configuration with three O MNIB US devices of a monolithic system