2. SummaryBarco – TransForm A - X Terminal – DOC-3265-2 – user's manual – Revision 09 – September-2006 ______________________________________________________ 2-22.1 PropertiesTRANS FORM A was designed to control large, modular OVERVIEW display walls. Its multi-screen capability allows youto control displays of virtually unlimited size. The display area is one logically connected display. Digital imagingdevices based on modern technologies such as DLP and Poly-Silicon LCD with the highest display quality are con-trolled digitally. Digital data transfer is immune to electromagnetic interference and therefore ensures the dis-play wall picture to be displayed in absolutely distortion free image quality.Analog monitors and projectors can also be controlled by T RANS FORM A, using the analog output mode of thegraphic cards. Thus, multi-monitor operator stations can be ergonomically designed and easily implemented.(DLP is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated)The hardware and software of TRANS FORM A is based on world-wide accepted standards. TRANS FORM A offers thefollowing exceptional capabilities:• High performance graphics output using the most modern processor and chip technologies• TRANS FORM A OMNI B US devices with dedicated Switch Fabric and intelligent high-bandwidth backplane pro-vides the optimized resources needed for graphic and video data integration• Supports current LAN and WAN interfaces• Graphic and video outputs in high color quality• Video in a window, up and down scaleable up to full-screen• Overlapping and freely moveable video and graphics windows of unlimited size• Up to 68 videos on one to four projection modules• Up to 256 or 320 video sources per system• High reliability, redundancy on system level and for critical components.The T RANS FORM A system provides a flexible and scalable architecture, which is suitable to support all sizes ofdisplay walls. For large display walls and high amounts of inserted sources one T RANS F ORM A P ROCESSOR is used thatconnects to up to five T RANS F ORM A OMNI B US devices. Smaller systems with up to 12 projection cubes can be set upwith a T RANS FORM A P ROCESSOR that might use an additional T RANS FORM A E XTENDER depending on the amount ofvideo and RGB sources. For more complex configurations a distributed system can be used consisting of a centralP ROCESSOR and multiple rendering engines to control a display wall of any size and number of input sources.Independent of the usage of a monolithic system or a distributed system, both the user and the application soft-ware ‘see’ one single display. Installation, operation and service do not differ from that of a standard X terminal.TRANS FORM A offers the possibility to operate it in normal boot mode or in eXtended safety boot mode. Normalboot mode offers full write access to the hard disk and enables the operation of the wall management softwareOSIRIS . eXtended safety boot mode offers in addition to normal boot mode a backup partition for improved sys-tem safety. With eXtended safety boot mode the system files are stored safely, and faultless startup is guaran-teed even after unpredictable events, e.g. power failure.TRANS FORM A is the perfect solution for the integration of video and RGB sources into desktop graphic data intodigitally controlled display walls. However graphics only systems support also analog display connection.