3 Sensor ProgrammingProgram the sensor using the buttons on the sensor or the remote input (limited programming options).In addition to programming the sensor, use the remote input to disable the buttons for security, preventing unauthorized oraccidental programming changes. SeeLocking and Unlocking the Sensor Buttons on page 20 for more information.3.1 Channel 1 and Channel 2 (CH1/CH2)Press CH1/CH2 button to switch between Channel 1 and Channel 2. Within each channel there are options specific to thatchannel. For settings that are common to both channels, the menus are only available in Channel 1. The default is Channel1.To switch between Channel 1 and Channel 2:1. Press and hold CH1/CH2 for longer than 2 seconds. The current selection displays.2. Press CH1/CH2 again. The new selection flashes slowly.3. Press SELECT to change the Channel and return to Run mode.Note: If neither SELECT nor CH1/CH2 are pressed after step 2, the new selection flashes slowly for a fewseconds, then flashes quickly and the sensor automatically changes the Channel and returns to Runmode.3.2 Setup ModeAccess Setup mode and the sensor menu from Run mode by pressing and holding MODE for longer than 2 seconds. Useand to navigate through the menu. Press SELECT to select a menu option and access the submenus. Use andto navigate through the submenus. Press SELECT to select a submenu option and return to the top menu, or press andhold SELECT for longer than 2 seconds to select a submenu option and return immediately to Run mode.To exit Setup mode and return to Run mode, navigate to and press SELECT.Note: The number that follows a menu option, for example , indicates the channel that is selected.For menu items without a number (excluding submenu items), these menu options are only available fromChannel 1 and the settings apply to both channels.Q5X Laser Triangulation Sensor with Background Suppression8 www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: +1.763.544.3164