Page 1512-10Installation & Operation ManualLoadThe Load button loads the route from a specified location.Note: If the button is inaccessible, it indicates that the route was already selected.Start ReadingThe Start Reading button activates the GPS and the receiver, and switches the view to your choice of the List and/or MapViews.UnloadWhen you have completed the meter readings, click the Unload button on the Main Menu to write the meter reading data toa storage device, such as a memory stick. These readings will then be uploaded into the Reading Data Management Software.Unloading the data will also archive the data in case the user needs to unload the route again.Clear RouteThe Clear button deletes all current meter reading information currently being processed.Quick ReadUse the Quick Read button to read an ORION endpoint without the need to load a route. This is helpful for final reads and toverify that the endpoint is operating correctly.UnarchiveThe Unarchive button reloads a prior route of readings so that the user can save the data (unload) again.ExitThe Exit button closes the application and returns you to Windows® desktop.Status BarThe Status Bar is located at the bottom of the screen. You can quickly view the number of meters left to read in the route, thepercent complete, and the number of routes and meters loaded.Figure 8: Status BarMeter Reading Status – Yellow indicates that the reading is paused, green indicates that the reading is in progress.Percent Complete - This bar indicates the progress of the reading application. As meters are read, the progress bar willincrease. Proper ratio of read meters to unread meters is displayed beside the progress bar.Routes - This information provides the user with the number of routes loaded in the software, and the total number ofmeters in all routes.ORION OK – Shows the communications status with the receiver. Green indicates good communications while Redindicates no communications.Note: If the GPS is not selected, the following message is displayed at the start of your session: