0Instant Fix featureInstant Fix allows you to update R300’sGPS data and provide more accuratesatellite navigation services. Install thisapplication from the Bonus CD following theprocedures below:1. Insert the R300 Bonus CD into the opticaldrive. Open Instant Fix setup file to install itin your PC.2. Use the Mini USB cable to connect R300to your PC.3. Launch Instant Fix and click Update,the system will connect to ASUS serverautomatically and update the GPS data thatis stored in your R300.4. If you want your R300 to automaticallyupdate the GPS data when it is connectedto a PC (that has a internet connection),check the Auto-Update when USBconnected to PC option, otherwise checkStart up when windows boot up.Note: While using this feature, make sureyour R300 has a microSD card installed andit is connected to a PC via Mini USB cable.