ASUS GUI RAID Manager: Notification Configuration5-16 5.5 Configuring a Pager Notification6. To enable pager notification for this particular entry, selectthe Enable option button. To disable, select the Disableoption button.7. If you want to check the reachability of the specifieddestination, click on the Test button. Then, check whetheror not the notification is received successfully on the pager.8. Click OK to add the specified destination to the addressbook.9. Repeat the same procedure to add the other entries you want.10. If you want to delete an entry from the address book, select itfrom the list box and then click on the Remove button.11. If you want to modify the settings of a particular entry, selectit and then click on the Properties button. From thedisplayed dialog box, modify the parameters you want.5.5.2 Prescheduling Pager NotificationYou can preschedule the pager notification for a particulardestination to occur automatically at specific intervals. Thisnotification will be sent regardless of the events occurring in thedisk array system.