ASUS A7V User’s Manual 1057.1 PCI-L101 Fast Ethernet CardIf you are using the ASUS PCI-L101 on an ASUS motherboard, leave the jumper onits defaut setting of “ASUS.” If you are using another brand of motherboard, set thejumper to “Other.” Connect the Wake on LAN (WOL) output signal to themotherboard’s WOL_CON in order to utilize the wake on LAN feature of the moth-erboard. Connect the LAN activity output signal (LAN_LED) to the system cabinet’sfront panel LAN_LED in order to display the LAN data activity.7. APPENDIXASUS LAN CardLAN ActivityOutput SignalRJ45LEDsMotherboard typeWake on LANOutput SignalASUSOtherIntelChipset7. APPENDIX