Quick Start Guide - 12EnglishOn-line MediaT�e On-line Media feature provides tons of online content wit� just afew clicks by t�e Opera Browser and online media services, includingInternet Radio, Weather, and Stock.T�e online content is constantly added and updated. Visit t�e ASUSwebsite for t�e latest information.Ensure t�at your O!Play HD2 is connected to t�e internet. However, t�enetwork connection mig�t be disabled if t�e internet link is abnormal orblocked.To use the online media services on your O!Play HD2:1. From t�e Home screen, press t�e left/rig�t keys / to navigate toOn-line Media, t�en press .You may also press to enter t�e On-line Media mode.2. Use t�e up/down keys / to select t�e category of t�e onlinemedia services t�at you want to use, t�en press .. Navigate to t�e desired online media service, t�en press to enter.• You may add t�e favorite online media service to Favorite in t�e InternetRadio, Weather, and Stock. Navigate to t�e online media service t�at youwant to add as your favovite. Press t�e left key , select Add to My Favorite,and t�en press .• W�ile browsing t�e website, you may use an additonal mouse to enjoy t�ebowser service. Refer to t�e mouse support list on t�e gift box.• After entering t�e Opera Browser, you may press to go back to t�eprevious page, to go to t�e next page, and to open t�e softwarekeyboard.• You may searc� an online media service by entering a keyword in t�eInternet Radio. Locate t�e Search option, press , and t�en type t�ekeyword of t�e online media service t�at you want to searc�.A6298_O!Direct_QSG.indb 12 12/31/10 5:51:55 PM