Microsoft® Pocket Outlook 45TasksUse Tasks to keep track of what you have to do. Tap Menu > Sort by orFilter to sort or filter displayed tasks respectively.Creating tasksTo create a task:1. Tap > Programs > Tasks > Menu >New Task to display a blank task form.2. Using the input panel, enter a description.3. Enter a start date and due date, or enterother information by tapping the field first.If the input panel is open, you will need tohide it to see all available fields.4. To assign the task to a category, tapCategories and select a category fromthe list. On the task list, you can displaytasks by category.Indicates high priorityTap and hold to display apop-up menu of actionsand then tap the actionyou wish to performTap to display or editthe task detailsTap here to create and enter a new task