94To set up the System settings:1. From the navigation panel, go to Advanced Settings >Administration > System tab.2. You can configure the following settings:• Change router login password: You can change thepassword and login name for the wireless router by enteringa new name and password.• Time Zone: Select the time zone for your network.• NTP Server: The wireless router can access a NTP (Networktime Protocol) server in order to synchronize the time.• Enable Telnet: Click Yes to enable Telnet services on thenetwork. Click No to disable Telnet.• Authentication Method: You can select HTTP, HTTPS, orboth protocols to secure router access.• Enable Web Access from WAN: Select Yes to allow devicesoutside the network to access the wireless router GUIsettings. Select No to prevent access.• Auto Logout: System will auto log out the administrationpage after an idle period. To disable Auto logout, set thevalue in 0.• Enable WAN down browser redirect notice: When WANconnection is down, the system will pop up a screen to guideto how to configure the WAN connection. If you don’t like tosee this notice, select No to disable the notice.• Allow only specified IP address: Click Yes if you want tospecify the IP addresses of devices that are allowed access tothe wireless router GUI settings from WAN.• Specified IP Address: Enter the WAN IP addresses ofnetworking devices allowed to access the wireless routersettings. This Client list allows you to add the maximum IPaddresses of 4.3. Click Apply.