A S U S R S 1 2 0 - E 3 / P A 4A S U S R S 1 2 0 - E 3 / P A 4A S U S R S 1 2 0 - E 3 / P A 4A S U S R S 1 2 0 - E 3 / P A 4A S U S R S 1 2 0 - E 3 / P A 4 5 - 3 35 - 3 35 - 3 35 - 3 35 - 3 3CPU1 Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]CPU1 Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]CPU1 Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]CPU1 Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]CPU1 Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays themotherboard and CPU temperatures. Select [Disabled] if you do not wish todisplay the detected temperatures.Fan1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]Fan1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]Fan1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]Fan1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]Fan1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the systemand device fan speeds in rotations per minute (RPM). If a fan is not connectedto the connector on the motherboard, the field shows N/A.Smart Fan Control [Smart Fan]Smart Fan Control [Smart Fan]Smart Fan Control [Smart Fan]Smart Fan Control [Smart Fan]Smart Fan Control [Smart Fan]Allows you to enable or disable the ASUS Smart Fan Control feature thatsmartly adjusts the fan speeds for more efficient system operation.Configuration options: [Disabled] [Smart Fan] [Smart Fan II]The C P U 1 T e m p e r a t u r eC P U 1 T e m p e r a t u r eC P U 1 T e m p e r a t u r eC P U 1 T e m p e r a t u r eC P U 1 T e m p e r a t u r e and M B T e m p e r a t u r eM B T e m p e r a t u r eM B T e m p e r a t u r eM B T e m p e r a t u r eM B T e m p e r a t u r e items do notappear when the S m a r t F a n C o n t r o lS m a r t F a n C o n t r o lS m a r t F a n C o n t r o lS m a r t F a n C o n t r o lS m a r t F a n C o n t r o l item is disabled.CPU1 Temperature [XXX]MB Temperature [XXX]Displays the detected CPU and system threshold temperatures whenthe Smart Fan Control feature is enabled.VCORE1 Voltage, VCORE2 Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, 5VVCORE1 Voltage, VCORE2 Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, 5VVCORE1 Voltage, VCORE2 Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, 5VVCORE1 Voltage, VCORE2 Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, 5VVCORE1 Voltage, VCORE2 Voltage, 3.3V Voltage, 5VVoltage, 5VSB Voltage, VBAT Voltage, 12V VoltageVoltage, 5VSB Voltage, VBAT Voltage, 12V VoltageVoltage, 5VSB Voltage, VBAT Voltage, 12V VoltageVoltage, 5VSB Voltage, VBAT Voltage, 12V VoltageVoltage, 5VSB Voltage, VBAT Voltage, 12V VoltageThe onboard hardware monitor automatically detects the voltage outputsthrough the onboard voltage regulators.Use the down arrow key to display additional items.Select ScreenSelect Item+- Change OptionF1 General HelpF10 Save and ExitESC Exitv02.58 (C)Copyright 1985-2004, American Megatrends, Inc.VCORE2 Voltage [ 1.236V]3.3V Voltage [ 3.280V]5V Voltage [ 5.010V]5VSB Voltage [ 4.980V]VBAT Voltage [ 3.088V]12V Voltage [11.749V]