Chapter 2 Installation 19When connecting a 3½” floppy drive, you may have somedifficulties in determining which pin is pin number one. Look for anumber on the circuit board indicating pin number one. In addi-tion, you should check if the connector on the floppy drive has anextra slot. If the slot is up, pin number one should be on the right.Please refer to any documentation that came with the drive formore information.If needed, connect the B: drive to the connectors in the middle ofthe cable as described as above.If your cable needs to be custom made, you can find the pinassignments for the board's connector in Appendix A.2.10 Parallel port connector (CN3)Normally, the parallel port is used to connect the card to a printer.The PCM-5820 Series includes a multi-mode (ECP/EPP/SPP)parallel port, accessed through CN3 - a 26-pin flat-cable connec-tor.You will need an adapter cable if you use a traditional DB-25connector. The adpater cable should have a 26-pin connector onone end and a 25-DB connector on the other.The parallel port is designated as LPT1 and can be disabled orchanged to LPT2 or LPT3 in the system BIOS setup.The parallel port interrupt channel is designated as IRQ7.The proper ECP/EPP DMA channel can be selected via the BIOSsetup.