92 PCM-5820/5820L User's ManualC.1 LCD ServicesLCD screens are very popular on CPU cards, Biscuit PCsand POS series products, such as the PCA-6135/6145/6153, and PCA-6751/PCA-6751V. "Lighting" LCDs is virtually impossible withouttechnical expertise. provides LCD lighting and integrationservices to assist our customers in setting up their systems. Advan-tech's LCD lighting guide explains how to make connections betweenLCD interfaces and LCD panels, as well as how to control contrast,brightness, VEE source, LCD inverter and all other factors that affectthe successful installation of LCD panels.The following information details our LCD lighting services:a) This policy is only valid for products that include LCDsupportb) The customer should send the following LCD components forservice:• DC-AC inverter and cable (i.e. connector with/without wires) anddata sheet• LCD flat panel and cable (connector with/without wires) andcomplete data sheetd) The customer must sign the agreement and fax it to us prior tosending the LCD package. reserves the right to refuseservice if the customer cannot provide the required documents andauxiliary partse) will supply a BIOS file and connection cable to thecustomer upon completing the servicef) A minimum of seven working days is required for completion ofservice, starting from receipt of the LCD package byFor the 18-bit TFT display support list, please contact our customerservice department for more detailed information and service files.See our web site