11 Chapter 22.2 Driver InstallationWe recommend you to install the driver before you install the PCI-1736UP card into your system, since this will guarantee a smoothinstallation process.The Advantech Device Driver Setup program for the PCI-1736UP card isincluded on the companion CD-ROM that is shipped with your DA&Ccard package. Please follow the steps below to install the driver software:1. Insert the companion CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.2. The Setup program will be launched automatically if you have theautoplay function enabled on your system. When the Setup Pro-gram is launched, youíll see the following Setup Screen.Note Keep the anti-static bag for future use. You mightneed the original bag to store the card if youhave to remove the card from PC or transport itelsewhere.Note If the autoplay function is not enabled on yourcomputer, use Windows Explorer or WindowsRun command to execute Autorun.exe on thecompanion CD-ROM.