Appendix C– 92 –PCI-1710 series User’s Manual Advantech Co., Ltd.www.advantech.comC.17 Board ID Registers - BASE+20The PCI-1716/1716L offers Board ID register BASE+20. With correctBoard ID settings, user can easily identify and access each card duringhardware configuration and software programming.Table C-22: Register for Board IDC.18 Programmable Timer/Counter RegistersBASE+24, BASE+26, BASE+28 and BASE+30The four registers of BASE+24, BASE+26, BASE+28 and BASE+30 areused for the 82C54 programmable timer/counter. Please refer toAppendix D 82C54 Counter Chip Functions for detailed applicationinformation.Note!. Users have to use a 16-bit (word) command to read/write each register.Read Board IDBit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0BASE + 20 BD3 BD2 BD1 BD0