AKMB-G41M User Manual ivCPU CompatibilityMemory CompatibilityOrdering InformationCaution! There is a danger of a new battery exploding if it is incorrectly installed.Do not attempt to recharge, force open, or heat the battery. Replace thebattery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the man-ufacturer. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer'sinstructions.CPU family sSpec Corestepping Power FSB MgntechL2cacheAdvantechPNCore2 Quad Q9400 2.66HzEM64T Quad Core SLB9B R0 95W 1333 45nm 6M 96MP2QD-26FB-6M7TCore2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHzEM64T Quad Core SLACR G0 95W 1066 65nm 8M 96MP2QD-24FA-8M7TCore2 Duo E8400 3.0GHzEM64T Dual Core SLB9J E0 65W 1333 45nm 6M 96MP2DD-3FB-6M7T1Celeron 440 2GHz SL9XL A1 35W 800 65nm 512KB 96MPC4-2.0F8-5K7TBrand Size Speed Type ECC Vendor PN AdvantechPN MemoryKingston 1 GB DDR31333 DDR3 N KVR1333D3N9/1G N/A ELPIDA J1108BABG-DJ-ETranscend 1 GB DDR31066 DDR3 N TS128MLK64V1U96D3-1G1066NN-TRSEC 813 HCF8K4B1G08460Kingston 1 GB DDR31066 DDR3 N KVR1066D3N7/1G N/A KingstonD1288JPNDPLD9UKingston 2GB DDR31066 DDR3 N KVR1066D3N7/2G N/A ELPIDA J1108BDSE-DJ-FAKMB-G41M Ordering InformationPart Number On-boardDisplayChipset Memory LAN COM DisplayProcessorAKMB-G41MF-00A1E Yes G41 DDR3 800/1066 1 6 CRT