<1. Introduction>6IM 01E25A01-01EN1.2 Warranty• The warranty shall cover the period noted on thequotation presented to the purchaser at the time ofpurchase. Problems occurred during the warrantyperiod shall basically be repaired free of charge.• In case of problems, the customer should contactthe YOKOGAWA representative from whichthe instrument was purchased, or the nearestYOKOGAWA office.• If a problem arises with this instrument, please informus of the nature of the problem and the circumstancesunder which it developed, including the modelspecification and serial number. Any diagrams,data and other information you can include in yourcommunication will also be helpful.• Responsible party for repair cost for the problemsshall be determined by YOKOGAWA based on ourinvestigation.• The Purchaser shall bear the responsibility forrepair costs, even during the warranty period, if themalfunction is due to:- Improper and/or inadequate maintenance by thepurchaser.- Failure or damage due to improper handling, useor storage which is out of design conditions.- Use of the product in question in a locationnot conforming to the standards specified byYOKOGAWA, or due to improper maintenance ofthe installation location.- Failure or damage due to modification or repairby any party except YOKOGAWA or an approvedrepresentative of YOKOGAWA.- Malfunction or damage from improper relocation ofthe product in question after delivery.- Reason of force majeure such as fires,earthquakes, storms/floods, thunder/lightening,or other natural disasters, or disturbances, riots,warfare, or radioactive contamination.1.3 Combination for RemoteSensor and RemoteTransmitterIMPORTANT• The AXW remote sensor (sizes 500 to 1800 mm(20 to 72 in.)) should be combined with a remotetransmitter according to Table 1.2.• If the transmitter combined with the AXW magneticflowmeter’s remote sensor is changed from theAXFA11 to AXW4A or vice versa, the meter factor ofthe remote sensor must be readjusted according toits flow calibration.Table 1.2 Combination for sensor and transmitterRemote Sensor Combined with theRemote TransmitterModelConverter,Communication,I/OModelAXW500G to AXW10LGAXW500W to AXW10LW -W AXW4AAXW500G to AXW18LGAXW500W to AXW18LW -N AXFA11GContact YOKOGAWA before using it in combination withtransmitters other than those listed above.NOTEIn case of combination with AXFA11 remote transmitter,select “ADMAG AXF” in the parameter “C30” of theAXFA11 remote transmitter.