Initializing Disk DrivesIf a disk drive appears grayed-out (unavailable for use in a new array), it may need to be initialized.To begin initializing a disk drive, select Initialize Drives from the Logical Device Configuration menu.You can initialize one drive or multiple drives. If an error occurs during initialization, the message“Initializing drives...FAILED x of n” is displayed. Press Enter to see a list of drives that failed to initialize.Press Esc to continue.Caution: Do not initialize a disk drive that is part of an array. Initializing a disk drivethat's part of an array may make the array unusable. Back up all data from your diskdrive before you initialize it.Rescanning Disk DrivesTo begin rescanning a disk drive, select Rescan Drives from the Logical Device Configuration menu.Secure Erasing Disk DrivesWhen you perform a secure erase on a disk drive, all data on that disk drive is completely and irretrievablyeradicated. Secure erase performs three distinct writing passes to the disk drive being erased—it doesnot just write zeros.Performing a secure erase takes up to six times longer than clearing (or zeroing) a disk drive; on a 2TBor 3TB drive, often it takes hours, possibly as long as a day! You may want to perform a secure eraseonly on disk drives that contain confidential or classified information.Note: To erase (or zero) a disk drive with non-classified information, you may chooseto format it (see Formatting and Verifying Disk Drives on page 77) instead, or initializeit using maxView Storage Manager—both options take much less time than the secureerase option.To begin a secure erase, select Secure Erase from the Logical Device Configuration menu, then selectY (yes). To return to the main Logical Device Configuration menu once the secure erase has begun, pressEsc.Note: For newer SATA drives, you can choose to perform a Secure ATA Erase, whichimplements the secure erase feature at the drive firmware level. To start a SecureATA Erase, select a SATA drive, then type Ctrl-S to open the Secure ATA Erase dialog.You will see this dialog only if the drive supports Secure ATA Erase.The selected disk drive(s) cannot be used until the erase is complete.Stopping a Secure EraseTo stop a secure erase in progress:1. In the Logical Device Configuration menu, select Secure Erase.2. Select the disk drive being secure erased, then press Ctrl+Q.The secure erase stops and you return to the main Logical Device Configuration menu.Uninitializing Disk DrivesUninitializes one or more physical drives so that they can be used in HBA mode (see General ControllerSettings on page 75). This option clears Adaptec meta-data and any OS partitions from a drive. Drivescan uninitialized only if they are not part of any array.To begin uninitializing a disk drive, select Uninitialize Drives from the Logical Device Configuration menu,then type Y to continue.Using the ARC Utility to Modify Controller SettingsThe ARC Controller Settings tool allows you to modify the settings of your controller and the disk drivesconnected to it.74Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.Document No.: CDP-00277-01-A Rev. A, Issue:Serial Attached SCSI RAID Controllers Installation and User's Guide