5-10disk Commandsdisk remove dead_partitionsTo remove all dead partitions from a SCSI disk, use the diskremove dead_partitions command. A dead partition is apartition that is no longer used by any array.Typically, you use this command only under specificcircumstances. For example, if you remove a disk from a redundantarray and then later add the disk to the controller, the partition onthe reinserted disk (which was previously part of the redundantarray) is no longer useful. In this case, you use this command andspecify the disk that was added to the controller again.If a partition is dead, the “:” (colon) in the Partition Offset:Sizecolumn (displayed with the array list command) changes to a“!” (exclamation point).Syntaxdisk remove dead_partitions {scsi_device}Parameters{scsi_device}Specifies the ID for the SCSI disk from which you want toremove all dead partitions. A SCSI ID consists of a SCSIchannel number (for example, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.), SCSI device ID(0 through 15 inclusive), and SCSI device logical unit number(0 through 7 inclusive).For further details, see scsi_device on page 1-10.ExamplesThe following example removes all dead partitions that reside on aSCSI disk device (SCSI channel number 0, SCSI device ID 2, andSCSI device logical unit number 0):AAC0>disk remove dead_partitions (0,02,0)Executing: disk remove dead_partitions (CHANNEL=0,ID=2,LUN=0)Related Commandsarray commands: array list (page 3-50)