32 | | 33VEHICLE CONTROLSVEHICLE CONTROLSTABLE OFCONTENTSINDEXVISUAL INDEXVOICE COMMANDINDEXSAFETYINFORMATIONCLIENTINFORMATIONINSTRUMENTPANELSPECIFICATIONSVEHICLECONTROLSMAINTENANCEAUDIO ANDCONNECTIVITYHANDLING THEUNEXPECTEDBLUETOOTH®HANDSFREELINK®DRIVINGACURALINK®NAVIGATIONDoor Operation from Inside the VehicleUse these methods to lock or unlock and open or close the doors.Using the Lock TabTo unlock: Pull the lock tab rearward. When youunlock either front door using the lock tab, thespecific door (driver’s or passenger’s) unlocks.To lock: Push the lock tab forward. When you lockthe door using the lock tab on the driver’s door, allthe other doors and tailgate lock at the same time.Using the Master Door Lock SwitchTo unlock: Press the unlock side of the switch tounlock all doors and the tailgate.To lock: Press the lock side of the switch to lock alldoors and the tailgate.Using the Front Door Inner HandlePull the front door inner handle. The door unlocksand opens in one motion. Unlocking and openingthe driver’s door from the inner handle unlocks allother doors.Do not pull a front door inner handle while thevehicle is moving.Childproof Door LocksThe childproof door locks prevent the rear doorsfrom being opened from the inside regardless of theposition of the lock tab.Slide the lever in the rear door to the lock position,and close the door.open the door using the outer door handle.UnlockLockInner handleTo lockTo unlockLock tabTo lockTo unlockMaster door lock switchClosing a power window on someone’s hands or fingers can cause seriousinjury.Make sure your passengers are away from the windows before closing them.WARNINGPower Window OperationThe power windows can be opened and closed when the vehicle is on by using theswitches on the doors. The switches on the driver’s side can be used to open andclose all the windows.Automatic OperationTo open: Push the switch down firmly.To close: Pull the switch up firmly.The window opens or closes completely. To stopthe window at any time, push or pull the switchagain briefly.Manual OperationTo open: Push the switch down lightly.To close: Pull the switch up lightly.release the switch when the windows reach thedesired position.Power Window LockPush in the power window lock button so only the driver’s window can beoperated.CloseonoffPower windowlock buttonopen