354InformationEmissions TestingTesting of Readiness CodesYour vehicle uses “readiness codes,” as part of its onboard self diagnostic system.Some states refer to these codes during testing to see if your vehicle’s emissionscomponents are working properly.The codes may not be read if you go through the testing just after the battery hasgone dead or been disconnected.To check if they are set, turn the ignition switch to ON w*1 , without starting theengine. The malfunction indicator lamp will come on for several seconds. If it thengoes off, the readiness codes are set. If it blinks five times, the readiness codes arenot set.If you are required to have your vehicle tested before the readiness codes are ready,prepare the vehicle for retesting by doing the following:1. Fill the gas tank to approximately 3/4 full.2. Park the vehicle and leave the engine off for 6 hours or more.3. Make sure the ambient temperature is between 40°F and 95°F (4°C and 35°C).4. Start the engine without touching the accelerator pedal, and let it idle for 20seconds.5. Keep the vehicle in P. Increase the engine speed to 2,000 rpm, and hold it thereuntil the temperature gauge rises to at least 1/4 of the scale (about 3 minutes).6. Let the engine idle with your foot off the accelerator for 20 seconds.*1: Models with the keyless access system have an ENGINE START/STOP buttoninstead of an ignition switch.1Testing of Readiness CodesThe readiness codes are erased when the battery isdisconnected, and set again only after several days ofdriving under a variety of conditions.If a testing facility determines that the readinesscodes are not set, you may be requested to return ata later date to complete the test.If the testing facility determines the readiness codesare still not set, see a dealer.