79TroubleshootingThis chapter contains a list of problems that may be encountered while using theGateway, and techniques to solve them. Note that these techniques may not be suc-cessful in all cases. Also included is a list of frequently asked questions.TroubleshootingCannot Use the InternetPhysical ConnectionsEnsure the Gateway’s Power light is on, as well as the appropriate lights for anyactive connections (Ethernet, USB, Wireless). If the connection is not active,reconnect the appropriate cable or adapter.Connection to the RouterCheck that the default IP address the computer is receiving is correct by selectingStart, Run, typing cmd in the “Open” text box, and then typing ipconfig. TheIP address should be 192.168.0.x (with “x” representing a number from 2 through254), and the Default Gateway address should be If not, restartthe computer to allow the Gateway to assign a IP address. If a static IP addresswas previously assigned to the computer, it will need to be removed before theGateway can dynamically assign a new IP address. After the computer restarts,check the IP address of the computer again. If it is still not correct, type ipcon-fig /? (note the space after ipconfig) to receive an explanation on how torelease and renew the IP address.Once the IP address has been verified as correct, open a Web browser. In the“Address” text box, type and click Go. The Gateway’s WebConfigurator Main Menu screen appears, verifying the Gateway’s active connection.8