22English It needs correct settings on graphics card 3D application program for correct3D display.The SW players, such as Stereoscopic Player and DDD TriDef Media Playercan support 3D format files. You can download these players on the webpage below.- NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Video Player: http://www.nvidia.com/object/3D_Drivers_Downloads.html-Stereoscopic Player (Trial): http://www.3dtv.at/Downloads/Index_en.aspx-DDD TriDef Media Player (Trial): http://www.tridef.com/download/TriDef-3-D-Experience-4.0.2.htmlNote: "3D Sync L/R" is only available when 3D is enabled.Note: The following reminder appears on the screen when turning on 3D orafter the projector is re-started with 3D enabled.SettingMenu Location Chooses the OSD menu location on the display screen.Source LockWhen this function is turned off, the projector will search forother signals if the current input signal is lost. When thisfunction is turned on, it will lock the current source channelbefore you press "SOURCE" on the control panel or remotecontrol for next channel.(X1130PA/X1130PS/X1230P/X1230PA/X1230PK/X1230PS/X1237) (X1130P)