Chapter 2 64Advanced Chipset FeaturesSelecting “Advanced BIOS Features” from the Advanced Options menu displays the following screen.The following table describes the parameters found in the sub-menu. Settings in boldface are the default andsuggested settings..Parameter Description OptionsCPU L1 & L2 Cache CPU L1 & L2 cache enabled Enabled/ DisabledSwap Floppy Drive If the system has two floppy drives, choose enabled toassign physical drive B to logical drive A and vice versa.Disabled/EnabledBoot Up Floppy Seek If the item is enabled, BIOS will test floppy drives todetermine whether they have 40 or 80 tracks.Disabled/EnabledBoot Up NumLock Status Selects power on state for NumLock. On/ OffGate A20 Option Fast: Lets chipset control Gate A20Normal: A pin in the keyboard controller, controls Gate 20.Default is fast.Fas /NormalTypematic Rate Setting Keystrokes repeat at a rate determined by the keyboardcontroller-- when enabled, the typematic rate and typematicdelay can be selected.*Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec) 6*Typematic Delay (MSec) 250Disabled/EnabledAPIC Mode Advanced Interrupt Controller. The I/O APIC handlesinterrupts very differently than the 8259. (Refer to ICH4EDS Rev 1.0 P6-39, 6.8)EnabledDisabledMPS Version Control For OS Multi CPU for NT. system 1.4/ 1.1OS Select For DRAM >64MBSelect OS2 only if you are running OS/2 operating systewith greater than 64MB of RAM on the system.Non-OS2OS2Report No FDD for WIN 95 Fow WIN 95 NoYes