Battery PackChapter 2 Operating on Battery Power 35q Charge-in-use modeWhen the computer is in use with the AC adapterplugged in, the computer also charges the battery pack ifinstalled. This mode will take longer to fully charge abattery than rapid mode. In charge-in-use mode, a fullydepleted battery gets fully charged in approximatelythree to four hours.q Trickle modeWhen the battery is fully charged, the adapter changesto trickle mode to maintain the battery charge level.This prevents the battery from draining while thecomputer is in use.Checking the Battery LevelThe computer features battery-low warning signals that areboth audible and visible. When the battery pack is low, thecomputer emits warning beeps and the battery indicatorflashes at regular intervals. Also, you can check the batterycharge level using the Windows battery gauge.Using the Windows Battery MeterThe Windows battery meter indicates the present batterylevel. Simply rest your cursor on the battery gauge (or ACplug) icon on the taskbar to see the present charge level ofyour battery. You can also double-click on this icon fordetailed information on your battery pack.Note: We suggest that you charge the battery pack beforeretiring for the day, letting it charge overnight beforetraveling. This ensures a fully charged battery for use thenext day.