Acer MG 3001-P User's GuideThe Acer MG3001-p main menuWhen you turn on your MG3001-p you will see the main menu on your TV screen.From this menu it is easy to enter each mode.Using your Acer MG3001-During use of your MG3001-p you will come across a range of icons that are used toindicate certain commands and the current status of the system.The following table is a quick guide to the meanings of these commonly used icons.Icon guideRandom: Used to indicate when a playlist is being played in arandom manner.Repeat 1: The current song will be repeated until the repeatcommand is cancelled.Repeat: The current album or playlist will be repeated until therepeat command is cancelled.Album: Indicates an album containing several songsFolder: Indicates a folder containing several filesSong: Indicates a single song63