English6General keysRemote controlTTX/MIXMPXWIDEEPG CH LIST SRSINDEX SUBTITLE SUBPAGE REVEALSIZE HOLD1711210631 POWERPress to turn your TV on/off.2 DISPLAYPress once to display input/channel information(dependent on input/source type), press twice to showmore information.3 MUTEPress to toggle audio on and off.4 Input buttons (TV/AV/SCART/PC)Press to select correct input mode.5-1 SLEEPPress to set a time period after which the TV will switchitself to standby (15, 30, 45, 60, 90 or 120 minutes).5-2 EPGNo function.5-3 CH LISTNo function.5-4 SRSPress to turn audio mode to SRS mode.6 Number keys.7 RECALLPress to return to the previous channel.8 ENTERPress to confirm channel number selection.9 MENUPress to open or close the Menu.10 TTX/MIX (TELETEXT/MIX)Press to switch from TV/AV to Teletext mode.Press to overlay teletext page on the TV image.11 Directional keys/OKVOL (up/down), CH (up/down)12 WIDEPress to toggle scaling mode between 4:3, 16:9, Panoramaand Letterbox 1, 2, 3 modes.13 MPXPress to select the sound input, displayed in the top right-hand corner (mono, stereo, bilingual).14 VOL (+/-)Press to increase or decrease the volume.15 CH (up/down)Press to sequentially select the TV channel.98TTX/MIXMPXWIDEEPG CH LIST SRSINDEX SUBTITLE SUBPAGE REVEALSIZE HOLD1 Colour buttons (R/G/Y/B)Operates corresponding button on the teletext page.2 INDEXPress to go to the index pageTeletext314 5 62 74512 1314 153 SIZEPress once to zoom teletext page to 2X.Press again to resume.4 SUBTITLEPress to view subtitles on the screen.5 SUBPAGEPress to access the teletext’s subpages directly.6 HOLDPress to pause the current teletext page in multi-pageviewing mode.7 REVEALPress to reveal hidden telext information.