Chapter 1: Introductionwww.accuenergy.com7V: 1.0 Revised: Aug. 20171.2 Areas of ApplicationMulti-tenant Buildings:⚫ Condominium/Apartment ⚫ Office Buildings⚫ Data Centers ⚫ Hotels⚫ MallsSchoolsPublic FacilitiesIndustrial Facilities1.3 Product FeaturesMultifunction, high accuracyThe AcuRev 1312 meter has data collection and management function for energy and multi-pa-rameters measurement. It also provides demand measurement and event logging.The measurement accuracy of the energy, power, voltage and current is 0.5%.Anti-Tampering for BillingThe AcuRev 1312 includes both physical and electronic sealing function. The meter is designedsuch that it cannot be opened without leaving obvious signs of tampering. Tenants cannotchange parameter settings through the display when the electronic seal is closed preventingdata being changed.Small size, convenient installationThe appearance and dimension of the AcuRev 1312 meter is designed in accordance with IEC35mm DIN standard.Clear DisplayThe AcuRev 1312 includes a built-in display to provide clear visibility in all environments. TheLCD display of the AcuRev 1312 includes a backlight to aid in visibility when the meter is in-stalled in poor lighting. All the measurement parameters can be easily accessed through thedisplay.