21 DC2M17 Driver/Controller ModuleInput Ports configured for Fixed FunctionEach digital Input Port (IN1 - IN4) can be configured for a fixed function from the following set; Limits,Home, Jog, Go, and Stop provide fixed functions, whereas User Input selects general-purpose statusaccessed by conditional branching in a program. The fixed functions are detailed in the "U" Command.The factory default setting for all Input Ports is User Input mode.HOMEHOME is used to seek to a physically safe zero location within the allowed motion space. Itoperates via a switch closure, activated at the chosen ‘home’ location – DC-series controllersimplement an algorithm to accurately position the step motor output in the same location inan accurate and repeatable way. See the “F” command for more reference data.GOThe GO input is used to start a program located at internal program location 0 (zero), whenasserted from INACTIVE to ACTIVE. Once Program Mode is entered the GO input does not haveany further effect, whether held or reasserted.ALL STOPThe ALL STOP input is used to stop all motion and end any program operation, when ACTIVE.ALL STOP implements an ALL STOP (| command), so will utilize deceleration functions as itstops. Do not utilize any STOP function on the DC-series controller as a safety device – alwaysadd an external emergency-stop switch to remove main power upon emergency condition.JOG+ and JOG-Jog inputs are used to manually change the motor position, when the input is ACTIVE. Both joginputs stop any existing motion command or program operating when the input is activatedand during activation, before manually moving in the requested direction.LIMIT+ and LIMIT-Limit inputs are used to protect physical systems by indicating to the controller when themechanical system has reached a maximum or minimum physical limit, beyond which damagewill occur. Limit inputs stop any pending motion, and will not start any motion, in the directionindicated when ACTIVE; example: LIMIT- will stop any pending motion in the negative directionand disallow any motion in the negative direction while ACTIVE. Motion is allowed in theopposite direction, so that systems can retract the mechanical endpoint from the limit switch,either manually or automatically.AccelMotion recommends Limit Switches for protection of mechanical systems.Input Port ReadAll input ports are readable in Immediate Mode by the A (Input Port Read) command, which returns thecombined value of all input ports, for use by external control scripts running in the host.The A (Input Port Read) Command reads and returns the combined input port data irrespective of thefunction assigned to any input port – even if functions such as HOME, GO, LIMIT, etc. are assigned to aport, the returned value from "A" command contains the correct raw port status.Input Port Conditional BranchingIn Program Mode all Input Ports can be used for conditional branching via the L command. Examples areshown in the command reference for L.The L (Loop Back) Command controls program branching with raw input port data irrespective of thefunction assigned to any input port – even if functions such as HOME, GO, LIMIT, etc. are assigned to aport, the “L" command operates on that raw port status (STOP and JOG cause exit from Program Mode,so are exceptions).