46AEC-7763LC/LD & ARS-2022/2022D5.12.8 Compare FirmwareOn the above figure press ESC and t to enter the following figure.CompareFirmware is to compare the current firmware version and the newly downloadedversion. It can prove if the downloaded version is the newest one.5.12.9 H/W DiagnosticPress ESC and t to enter the next figure. H/W Diagnostic is to test the system.12-08. Adv SetupCompare Firmware12-09. Adv SetupH/W DiagnosticPress ENT to enter the next figure. Follow the instructions on LCD to do the buttontest. After that, the system will do the self-test of SDRAM, the hardware connectiontest and flash test. All test results will be shown on LCD. It is the easiest way toknow if the system can work well.↑ ↓ Enter ESCHolde ESC to exitWhen the whole process finishes, LCD will show the message as follows.Test finished