ELECTRIC SUNROOF(for versions/markets, where provided)The sun roof comprises a wideelectrically-operated glass panel and amanually-operated sun blind. Theblind can be used in the "fully closed"or "fully open" positions.To open the blind, grab the handle,press the tooth A fig. 41 and move it tothe completely open position. To closeit, grab the handle and move the blindto the closing position until tooth Ais attached.OPERATIONThe sun roof can be operated only withthe ignition key turned to MAR-ON.The controls A and B fig. 42 are locatednear the front roof light and operatesun roof closing/opening respectively.OPENINGKeep the button B fig. 42 pressed: theroof will move to "spoiler" position.To fully open the roof press button Bagain and hold it down: the roof willstop in the position reached when thebutton is released.7) 8)18)CLOSINGKeep the button A fig. 42 pressed: theroof will move to "spoiler" position.The roof will stop in the positionreached when the button is released.Press the button A again and hold itdown until the roof is completelyclosed.ANTI-PINCH SAFETYDEVICEThe sun roof has an anti-pinch safetysystem capable of detecting thepresence of an obstacle whilst the roofis closing. When this happens, thesystem stops and the movement of theroof is immediately reversed.41 AB0A003942 AB0A003740 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CAR