"Smart washing"functionPushing the stalk towards thedashboard (unstable position) willactivate the rear window washer.Keep the stalk pressed, with just onemovement, to operate the rear windowwasher jet and the rear window wiperitself; the latter automatically turns on ifyou keep the stalk pressed for morethan half a second.The rear window wiper stops operatinga few strokes after releasing the stalk;a further "cleaning stroke", after afew seconds, completes the wipingoperation.IMPORTANT3) Do not use the screen wiper toremove layers of snow or icefrom the windscreen. In suchconditions, the wiper maybe subjected to excessive stressand the motor protection, whichprevents operation for a fewseconds, may intervene. Ifoperation is not subsequentlyrestored, contact an AbarthDealership.4) Do not operate the windscreenwiper with the blades lifted fromthe windscreen.5) Do not use the rear window wiperto remove layers of snow or ice. Inthese conditions, the rearwindow wiper may be subjectedto excessive stress and the motorprotection, which preventsoperation for a few seconds, mayintervene. If operation is notsubsequently restored, contact anAbarth Dealership.ROOF LIGHTSFRONT ROOF LIGHTThe fig. 30 lens can be set to threepositions:❒ right side pressed: light always on;❒ left side pressed: light always off;❒ central position (neutral): the lightswitches on and off when the doorsare opened or closed.IMPORTANT Before getting out of thecar, make sure that the switch is inthe central position: ensure that lightsare off with doors closed in order toavoid running the battery down.30 AB0A012233