IP P HONE FOR MX-ONE™49 6/1553-DBC 434 01 Uen B6 2010-07-09The last dialed external number is automatically redialed.Note: Finland and Sweden: Press ** Redial a Call from the Call ListTo make a call using the call list, do the following:1) Press the key to open the call list.The latest call is framed in the display.2) Scroll the call list with the navigation keys .3) Select the desired number (or contact) and press Call.4) Lift the handset.5.5 Speed DialingFrequently used phone numbers are stored as speed dialing numbers inthe exchange.By using common speed dialing numbers, you can make calls simply bypressing a few keys. The common speed dialing numbers consist of 1–5digits and are stored in the telephony system (by the system adminis-trator).5.5.1 Speed Dialing NumbersTo speed dial a number, do the following:1) Lift the handset and wait for a dial tone.2) Dial the speed dialing number.5.5.2 Speed Dialing ContactsTo speed dial a contact, do the following:1. Press and hold the key (2-9) that holds the first character in thename of the contact you want to call.The available names for that key are shown in the display. If, forexample, you press and hold down the numeric key 2 for 2seconds, the phone book entries starting with the letter A aredisplayed.2. Find the contact you want to call.