Dialling and phoningAastra 632d 27eud-1586/1.0 – R3.0 – 04.2013Using a headsetTo make a phone call with the headset.If you answer a call in headset mode using the Call key or Loudspeaker key, the call isprovided on the headset.Note:If you loose the radio contact with a Bluetooth headset, you can go back into theradio area without being disconnected from the active connection.Your phone is ringing. To answer the call, proceed as follows:Press the Call key or Loudspeaker key.➔The call is provided on your headset.Press the Loudspeaker key.➔The phone’s microphone is switched on and the headset microphone isswitched off.Headset <--> HandsetYou can use the Headset or Handset softkey to switch modes.Ending a call:Press the End key.Notes:• To find out how to activate the headset, refer to the chapter "To activateheadset mode", page 88.• To find out how to connect a Bluetooth headset, refer to chapter "ActivatingBluetooth mode and Bluetooth devices", page 88.• To call a user, select the user’s phone number and press the Call key or Loud-speaker key.• For more information refer to your headset’s user’s guide.www.InternetVoipPhone.co.uk | sales@internetvoipphone.co.uk | 0800 088 48 46