Operational Features5-168 41-001160-01, Rev 00, Release 2.3IP Phone Administrator GuideBLF Subscription PeriodOn the IP phones, you can set the time period, in seconds, that the IP phoneresubscribes the BLF subscription service after a software/firmware upgrade orafter a reboot of the IP phone.In the configuration files, you enter the following parameter with a valid value toset the BLF subscription period:sip blf subscription period: The minimum value for this 120 seconds (2 minutes). The default is 3600 (1hour).Setting this parameter to a value lower than 3600 allows the configured BLFfeature to become active more quickly after a software/firmware upgrade or aftera reboot of the IP phone. If you enter a value lower than 120 for this parameter,the default value (3600) will be used by the IP phone.You can configure this feature using the configuration files or the Aastra Web UI.Configuring BLF Subscription PeriodUse the following procedures to configure the BLF subscription period on the IPphone.Configuration FilesTo configure the BLF subscription period on the IP phones using the configuration files, see Appendix A, thesection, “Advanced SIP Settings” on page A-87.