Model 57i CT IP Phone User Guide 25SoftkeysSoftkey FunctionsYou can configure the 57i CT softkeys for any of the following:Softkey Function DescriptionNone Indicates softkey is disabled (option for WebUI only)Line Indicates softkey is configured for line use.Speeddial Indicates softkey is configured for speeddialuse.Do Not Disturb(DND)Indicates softkey is configured for "do notdisturb" use.BLF Indicates softkey is configured for Busy LampField (BLF) use. A user can dial out on a BLFconfigured softkey.BLF\List Indicates softkey is configured for BLF listuse. A user can dial out on a BLF\List config-ured softkey.XML Indicates the softkey is configured to acceptan XML application for accessing customizedXML services.You can also use this option toconfigure an XML URI softkey.Flash Indicates the softkey is set to generate a flashevent when it is pressed, or when a featurekey is pressed on the 57i CT handset. The IPphone generates flash events only when acall is connected and there is an active RTPstream (for example, when the call is not onhold.)Sprecode Indicates the softkey is set to automaticallyactivate specific services offered by theserver. For example, if the spre value of *82 isconfigured, then by pressing the softkey, *82automatically activates a service provided bythe server. The value you enter for this field isdependent on the services provided by theserver.Park Indicates the softkey is set to be used as apark key to park an incoming call.Pickup Indicates the softkey is set to be used as apickup key to pick up a parked call.Last Call Return (lcr) Indicates the softkey is set to be used as a“last call return” key.