480i BroadSoft IP Phone User Guide 17Handling Calls Handling CallsWhen you are connected to acall, you can use the hard keys onthe phone to transfer, conferenceor place a call on hold.Placing a Call on HoldWhen you place a call on hold,only your phone can retrieve thecall. To place a call on hold:1. Connect to the call (if notalready connected).2. Press the Hold softkey.The line/call appearance lightwill begin to flash slowly. Thescreen will display “Hold∆ with theline number the call is held at onyour phone.When on HoldWhen you have been placedon hold, you cannot hear any voicefrom the caller. The line/callappearance light for the line youare on will remain solid to indicatethat you are still connected.Automatic HoldWhen juggling multiple calls, youdo not have to press the holdbutton to go from one call to thenext. The phone will automaticallyput your current call on hold whenyou press a new line/callappearance button.Retrieving a Held CallIf you have more than 1 call onhold, you can scroll through theheld call information by pressingthe 3 and 4 navigation keys.To reconnect to a call, press theline/call appearance button wherethis call is being held or press thePickup softkey.Transferring a CallBlind TransferA blind transfer is when youtransfer a call directly to anotherextension without consultingwith the person receiving the call.To do this, simply complete thetransfer before the receiving partyanswers the call.Consultative TransferYou also have the option to consultwith the person you aretransferring the call to before youcomplete the transfer. To do this,simply remain on the line until thereceiving party answers the call.After consulting with the receivingparty, you can either complete thetransfer or go back to the originalcall.To transfer a call to anotherextension:1. Connect to the call youwish to transfer (if not alreadyconnected).2. Press the . button.