IP Phone SIP Admin Guide 21Configuring the IP Phone For example, if a parameter valueis configured for one of the per-line sets, all parameters from thatset are applied and all parametersfrom the corresponding globalsection are ignored, even if some ofthe parameters within the globalset are not defined in the per-lineset.SIP Precedence ExampleThe following example shows theSIP proxy feature and exampleschema for storage and parsing ofthe SIP configuration parameters.The following SIP configuration isassumed:# SIP network blocksip proxy ip: proxy port: 5060sip registrar ip: registrar port: 4020sip line3 proxy ip:siparator.vonage.comsip line3 proxy port: 0Line3 specifies per-line values forproxy IP address and proxy port, sothe phone uses those parametervalues for SIP calls made on thatline. However, because thoseparameters are part of the SIPnetwork block, the phone does notapply any of the global SIPnetwork block parameters. So eventhough the global parametersconfigure a SIP registrar, Line3 onthe phone ignores all globalnetwork block parameters. Sinceline3 does not contain a per-lineSIP registrar entry, the phone doesnot use a registrar for that line.Note: Global SIP parameters apply toall lines unless overridden per-line.Per-line settings are configurablefor lines 1 through 7.SIP Server (SRV) LookupThe SIP SRV Lookup featureallows you to configure the IPphone toperform a DNS server lookup on aSIP proxy, a SIP registrar, or a SIPoutbound proxy.The IP phone performs an SRVlookup when the IP address of theserver is FQDN and thecorresponding port is 0.For example, if the phone isconfigured with sip proxy ip of"ana.aastra.com", and sip proxyport of "0", the SRV lookup mayreturn multilple servers, based onthe priorities if one is selected asprimary and others are selected assecondary.However, if the IP address is anFQDN and the correspondingserver port is non-zero, then thephone performs a DNS "A" NameQuery to resolve the FQDN intodot notation form.If the IP address is a valid dotnotation and the port is zero, thena default port 5060 is used.You can configure SRV lookupusing the configuration files(aastra.cfg and .cfg) only.The parameters to use are:• sip proxy ip• sip proxy port