Alarm96 eud-1292/1.1 – R1.0 – 09.2011Using the no-movement, man-down and escapealarmNo-movement, man-down and escape alarmYou are in an emergency situation and are no longer able to trigger an alarm yourself.Your phone is able to detect the following alarm situations:• The Man-down alarm constantly checks the position of the phone. If the phone is ina horizontal or near-horizontal position for longer than the set detection duration(positional angle of the phone to the horizontal is less than 45°, for example when aperson is lying on the ground), the man-down alarm is triggered.• The No-movement alarm constantly checks whether the cordless phone is inmotion. If the handset is idle for longer than the set detection duration (for exam-ple when a person stops moving), the no-movement alarm is triggered.• The Escape alarm constantly checks whether the cordless phone is in violent move-ment. If the handset is in violent movement for longer than the set detection dura-tion (for example caused by running), the escape alarm is triggered.