105-2. Weighing unitsThe most common unit of weight used around the world is the gram, but there is oftena need to shift to alternative units specific to the country where the scale is used or toselect modes such as counting or percent.The units and the order they appear in the display are as follows:Percent modeCounting modeAmong the units, those available for the user have been set at the factory beforeshipping.The unit can be selected in the function setting mode. The order of the units availableis the same as above, while skipping the units that are not available. It is possible to store the weighing units that will be actually used from theunits available. It is also possible to specify the unit that will appear firstwhen the power is ON.For details, see “8-4. Storing weighing units.”Conversion tableUnits Name Conversion to gramkg kilogram 1000 goz Ounce (avoir) 28.349523125 glb Pound (UK) 453.59237 gozt Troy ounce 31.1034768 gtl Tael (Hong Kong general, Singapore) 37.7994 g The unit “tl (tael)” is for special versions only.5-3. Selecting a weighing unitPress the MODE key to select a weighing unit.STABLE indicatorSwitches the unitsavailable in the orderdescribed above