Drivers & UtilitiesWhat to Install 4 - 14Chapter 4: Drivers & UtilitiesThis chapter deals with installing the drivers and utilities essential to the operation orimprovement of some of the computer’s subsystems. The system takes advantage ofsome newer hardware components for which the latest versions of most available op-erating systems haven’t built in drivers and utilities. Thus, some of the system com-ponents won’t be auto-configured with an appropriate driver or utility duringoperating system installation. Instead, you need to manually install some system-re-quired drivers and utilities.What to InstallThe Device Drivers & Utilities + User’s Manual disc contains the drivers and util-ities necessary for the proper operation of the computer. Table 4 - 1, on page 4 - 3lists what you need to install and it is very important that the drivers are installedin the order indicated.Module Driver InstallationThe procedures for installing drivers for the PC Camera, Wireless LAN, Bluetooth& WLAN Combo and 3G modules are provided in “Modules & Options” on page 7- 1.Driver Installation &PowerWhen installing driv-ers make sure yourcomputer is poweredby the AC/DC adapterconnected to a work-ing power source.Some drivers draw asignificant amount ofpower during the instal-lation procedure, and ifthe remaining batterycapacity is not adequatethis may cause the sys-tem to shut down andcause system problems(note that there is nosafety issue involvedhere, and the battery willbe rechargeable within 1minute).