subsequently to thaw only thequantity required;• wrap up the food in aluminium foil orpolythene and make sure that thepackages are airtight;• do not allow fresh, unfrozen food totouch food which is already frozen,thus avoiding a rise in temperature ofthe latter;• lean foods store better and longerthan fatty ones; salt reduces thestorage life of food;• water ices, if consumed immediatelyafter removal from the freezercompartment, can possibly cause theskin to be freeze burnt;• it is advisable to show the freezing indate on each individual pack toenable you to keep tab of the storagetime.6.6 Hints for storage of frozenfoodTo obtain the best performance from thisappliance, you should:• make sure that the commerciallyfrozen foodstuffs were adequatelystored by the retailer;• be sure that frozen foodstuffs aretransferred from the foodstore to thefreezer in the shortest possible time;• not open the door frequently or leaveit open longer than absolutelynecessary;• once defrosted, food deterioratesrapidly and cannot be refrozen;• do not exceed the storage periodindicated by the food manufacturer.7. CARE AND CLEANINGWARNING!Refer to Safety chapters.7.1 General warningsCAUTION!Unplug the appliance beforecarrying out anymaintenance operation.This appliance containshydrocarbons in its coolingunit; maintenance andrecharging must thereforeonly be carried out byauthorized technicians.The accessories and parts ofthe appliance are notsuitable for washing in adishwasher.7.2 Initial power onCAUTION!Before inserting the powerplug in to the outlet andswitching on the cabinet forthe first time, leave theappliance standing uprightfor at least 4 hours. This willassure a sufficient amount oftime for the oil to return tothe compressor. Otherwisethe compressor or electroniccomponents may sustaindamage.7.3 Cleaning the interiorBefore using the appliance for the firsttime, the interior and all internalaccessories should be washed withlukewarm water and some neutral soapto remove the typical smell of a brand-new product, then dried thoroughly.CAUTION!Do not use detergents orabrasive powders, as thesewill damage the